Onsite Massage Therapist

Gloria Cruz

Gloria Cruz is a licensed Massage therapist and certified Cranial Sacral therapist. She's been practicing her healing work for over eight years. She began her studies at the Big Island Academy of Massage Therapy on the island of Hawaii. Gloria's expertise expands to other modalities in her field. She specializes not only in the basics of massage like Swedish, Deep tissue and Sports massage, but also includes Reflexology, Lomi Lomi(native Hawaiian massage technique), Cranial Sacral therapy(subtle hands on balancing technique) and Reiki(an ancient hands on healing practice from Japan). Gloria's dedication and passion for her work as a healer has helped many people in their path of healing.

Services and Rates

Ms. Cruz offers the following services: Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Lomi Lomi, Cranial Sacral Therapy, and Reiki.

Rates for these services:
$1.00 per minute up to 15 minutes
$45.00 for 30 minutes
$60.00 for 45 minutes

           Appointments are preferred but drop ins are welcome if a time slot is free.

Contact Info:
[email protected]